Tuesday, September 21, 2010

what "they" think of "us"

I'm into bikes these days. As in bicycles. And if I ever work again I hope that's something to save for.
Anyway, there's a whole hipster edge to faith these days. I don't think I'm trying too hard. But this was interesting from a bike blog that I visit.

Monday, September 20, 2010

stop being wimps

This was too good not to share. Hope you find it useful.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Well, if you're friends with me and not Jill on FaceBook, you might not know that I'm now legal in Canada as a visitor for one year. I can't work still and have no medical privileges, which is a pretty big deal in socialized medicine, but it's OK for me to be here as well as travel back and forth to the US. Maybe a trip down home is possible over Christmas time. And the agent who checked me through at the border also told me that my permanent residency process was seen in the database so that was a HUGE blessing as well. She took my original work document from me so maybe I'll soon be able to put that whole experience behind me. Hope so.